12 All Too Familiar Makeup Fails

Makeup is great to keep things looking fresh, try a new look, and express yourself in new ways. But it doesn’t come without its challenges. One miss-swipe, an unexpected rain shower, and a variety of everyday occurrences can spell disaster on your face. Doesn’t the...

How Do You Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss?

How Do You Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss? Losing weight can be a hard task in itself, after all that sweat and tears, you have finally reached your goal and yet there is one issue that you just cannot get over – your excess skin. If you are in this position and...

Is Adult Acne Ruining Your Life?

Is Adult Acne Ruining Your Life? Celebrities such as Britney Spears, Eva Longoria and even Kate Moss have suffered with adult acne. Adult acne can be horrific, so what is acne? Acne, for those of you lucky enough to have not experienced it, is a skin condition which...

Does Red Wine Really Help Cellulite?

Does Red Wine Really Help Cellulite? Red wine can be a real rescue remedy when you get home from a long and stressful day at work. Of course, red wine is the best alcohol to drink for a healthy heart however, what if I was to tell you that red wine is also amazing for...

6 Tips to Emerge Victorious from a Health Hiatus

There comes a time in our lives–commonly after months of hibernating in sweaters, too many helpings of winter treats, and then too many pints after feeling guilty about said winter treats–that we have to take a minute, look in the mirror, and ask ourselves: “Who the...